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MODULE | Vilnius | January 19-20, 2024

Crisis Management

Crises represent unique turning points that can bring an organization down, or, on the contrary, help it reinvent itself.


Crises represent unique turning points that can bring an organization down, or help it reinvent itself.

COVID, Ukraine conflict, global mega-trends are changing the landscape of managing expectations. Failing to take this into account can endanger the entire business. As a result, leaders must be able to identify and anticipate weak signals. They must also be able to find ways to create opportunities that generate value.

At the same time, recent global developments exposed the challenges of sustainable value chains. It pushes companies to challenge the old ways and traditional operating methods.

The course is build for top executives, operating on national and international level. It aims to help leaders to mitigate the risks and be better prepared to crisis management. It is a 2-day interactive simulation focused on two core elements:

1. Crisis anticipation and management

2. Responsible supply-chain strategies

The challenge of this module will be to create reflections and offer operational answers to the following questions:

  • The current Covid-19 crisis is showing how important it is to share value with supply chain partners. But how can we define it concretely and what impact is it having?
  •  Looking into the global value chain, and in line with the “crisis exercise”, how should risks and opportunities related to sustainability be identified? With what method?
  • What is a “sustainable supply chain”? What are its components? Why should companies be looking into it? And how should they be developed?
  • If we take for granted that delivering a Circular system is at the heart of a low-carbon vision, what is the place of circular economy in strategic thinking: is it adding costs or creating savings? is it a risk-mitigating approach or a required component to deliver a Net-Zero business?
  • Lastly, how can businesses harness the conscious consumption behavior and engage the end-user to shift toward circularity?

After this course you will be able to:

  • Identify weak signals in the environment and in the value chain.
  • Implement proactive stakeholder management: mapping, materiality analysis, risk & opportunities analysis, and shared value approaches.
  • Understand the core of crisis management and crisis communication response.
  • Focus on challenges attached to supply chains management.
  • Consider opportunities to create value during the crisis.
  • Define what sustainability means in the Supply Chains.
  • Understand the leadership skills necessary to handle a crisis and built resilience.

Price of the module – 2200 EUR
Limited seats available


Christelle Bitouzet

Affiliate Professor at HEC Paris
  • Christelle Bitouzet started her career as a consultant, specializing in team mobilization and multi-cultural management, before taking on operational positions in major international groups, primarily in the industry and construction sectors.
  • For 12 years she has been Head of Communication and Local Stakeholders Relationships in the Lafarge Group. She has been actively involved in all the major acquisitions and divestments of the group throughout this period and worked on the integration of the acquired companies.
  • She is the partner of a consulting company, acting mainly in the field of sustainable development and strategic stakeholder engagement.
  • Her fields of expertise encompass Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility and community relations, as well as change management, team mobilization, multi-cultural management, and global communications.
  • She is graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). She holds a doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Paris Sorbonne as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Law.
  • An Academic Coordinator for the Executive MBA (English Modular and One day a week tracks).

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Interested in the module? Contact:

Dovilė Vyčinė
Director, Business Development
+370 653 95 959

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