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MODULE | Vilnius | February, 23-24, 2024

Corporate & Entrepreneurial Finance

With professor Gloria Batllori from ESADE Business School, Spain


The VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) new environment in the 21st century requires a different thinking in finance and other disciplines. New business models have a higher component of intangible resources and focus more on R&D. The principle in finance of value creation has to be adapted to the new circumstances.

“Generating value” has become the main goal for managers and owners and need to adapt to the current volatile context. A critical element for generating value is being able to precisely define what value is, determining the actions or investments able to generate it, and identifying the best way to finance these investments. This program intends to empower top executives and entrepreneurs to understand how value is created and how the financial strategy can collaborate in such endeavor.

The program also aims to provide a financial view of non-financial business activities as well as an operating knowledge of financial strategy and insights on how to connect innovation and finance. The first will help to understand the value creation power behind commercial and operational strategies and control the business operation. The second will endow the participant with an operating knowledge of the key financial process where value is created, enhanced, monetized and distributed. The third will help understand the conflict between innovation and its long-term impact and the search of short-term results.

In particular, this module will help the participant to understand the nonfinancial side of the business from a financial perspective, enhancing therefore the control and capability of making value creating decisions. The program will approach three main themes:

Forecasting: understanding the impact of current decisions in the company future numbers, growth opportunities, risk and growth financing
Financing: understanding the different options in funding and the consequences of the capital structure. Identifying differences during the life cycle stages of companies, from startup to mature companies.

Investment evaluation: how to become a capital allocator who creates value. Application to different situations. Projects within mature corporations, acquiring firms and new ventures.

After this course you will be able to:

  • Gain further control of your firm operation through a better understanding of your financial information.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in your firm’s day to day operation and forecast the impact of your proposed changes on profitability ratios and financing needs.
  • Understand main valuation techniques intended to evaluate economic impact of long term investments and new ventures.
  • Make long term investment transformational decisions to adapt to the VUCA environment creating and sustaining firm value and structure those investments in the best way possible.
  • Understand the implications of in-house or organic growth, M&A or inorganic growth and alliances and collaboration agreements.

Price of the module – 2200 EUR
Limited seats available

IMPORTANT! Participants shall have basic knowledge of Financial Accounting to attend this course or required additional pre-readings will be shared with participants with no previous knowledge or experience to follow this course.


Gloria Batllori

ESADE Business School, Spain
  • Professor of finance at ESADE Business School in Barcelona. She teaches corporate finance and financial analysis.
  • Has had exposure to many different industries as a consultant, including banking, food, construction, textile, and retail. She consults on valuation for M&A and startups.
  • Has been involved in the launch of innovative programmes partnering non[1]academic institutions – such as Singularity University (Silicon Valley) and CERN (Geneva) – with ESADE.
  • Started her career working for the Spanish government in international trade in Los Angeles. She then worked in strategic consulting at The Mac Group, and later founded her own consulting firm – Diedro Advising.

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Interested in the module? Contact:

Dovilė Vyčinė
Director, Business Development
+370 653 95 959

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