Why, how, what of circular economy for sustainable transformation | Online

When? 28 February 2024
What time? 17:00 Brussels time I 18:00 Vilnius time
Where? Online

Leaders today are expected to provide answers regarding how their businesses contribute to a more sustainable future, whether it be due to pressure from shareholders, employees, or customers.

In this online session, leaders will be introduced to one of the most promising solutions against climate change: the circular economy. They will learn how to become ambassadors of the circular transition by addressing three key questions with their stakeholders:

First, WHY should their company embrace circular practices? This involves drawing insights from how other companies have articulated their transition.

Second, HOW can their company adopt circular practices? Leaders will gain insights from both best practices and reasons for failures to shape a successful path.

Third, WHAT does their company need to do, and WHAT should they, as leaders, prioritize to get started? This section will cover concrete steps to provide guidance for action.

This lecture combines cutting-edge thinking from academia with real-life examples from companies, which will be discussed in group breakouts. Leaders will leave equipped with a blueprint on how to guide their own companies through the circular transition.

About the speaker

Julia Martinez-Cabrera is a researcher, educator and consultant in the circular economy transformation to achieve the Paris climate change agreement goals. She works in several fields.

First, given that the transformation towards a circular economy has predominately focused on product-driven industries, even though service-driven industries are a critical catalyst for the circularity of our economy, Julia advances the circular economy transformation in the tourism industry and derives learnings for other service-driven industries.

Second, she explores drivers of circular adoption such as circular innovation, circular transformation and data for circularity.

She has advanced these topics in her various roles: academic director for circular economy and tourism at the university of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, lecturer at Toulouse Business School; lecturer at HEC Paris Masters & EMBA; consultant to the United Nations (UNECE) for circular tourism, speaker at several conferences such as ICSD New York & ISPIM Ljubljana; founder of the think tank CircleBee;…

Julia has studied at HEC Paris and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and has a background in circular economy transformation in her PhD.

Registration is open until 27 February.

For more information about the event, please contact Diana Gedeikytė-Jakutienė via diana.gj@bmiinstitute.com or +370 600 368 38

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